We are "LongN Media" !
Hi, we are Long and Kelvin, a very enthusiastic wedding videography team based in Ottawa ON, Canada.
We believe in creating wedding films that do more than just document your big day. For us, each film we make is a unique piece of art. It is not just a video of the day, it's the story of the love that you have for each other.
Every moment is special. We work to capture those genuine moments and real connections between you and your other half. We want you to be yourselves and feel like you are hanging out with friends for your big day.
If you love our films and style, let's talk. We would love to tell your story.
We are also the Winner of Best Wedding Videography Award, Ottawa, 2020.
How do we work?
On your wedding day, we film, we run, and we have a blast with you.
What do we use?
Shooting a great wedding video requires as much gear as shooting a short film. Here is the list of equipment that we use to capture your big day, from the Sony mirrorless camera system to different types of lenses, from audio equipment to camera stabilization, and much more.